​Bionexus Gene Lab Corporation
Late Professor Emeritus
Dato Dr Liew Choong - Chin
Co-Founder and Former Chief Scientist,
Bionexus Gene Lab, Malaysia
Professor Emeritus,
Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, University of Toronto, Canada
Professor Emeritus,
Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA
PhD (1967) Pathological Chemistry, University of Toronto
MA (1964) Physiology, University of Toronto
BSc (1960) Biology, Nanyang University, Singapore
Late Prof Liew developed the concept that many diseases can be detected and monitored through their gene expression in the blood. Based on the transfer of information between blood cells and tissue cells, blood tests can unlock information about diseases elsewhere in the body.
He ventured into businesses in Canada, Malaysia and China. He then successfully established and became the co - founder and chief scientist of Bionexus Gene Lab Sdn Bhd in Malaysia. To date, he had published more than 300 original scientific papers, abstracts, and monographs.
His long-term aim, he wrote in his memoir, was to “build a personalized health management system that would allow anyone to manage their own health from the information that can be read in a single drop of blood.”
2012 Outstanding Asian Canadian Award, Canadian Multicultural Council of Asians in Ontario 2010 Royal Society of Medicine, London, UK (Lifetime Fellowship) 2007 Darjah Yang Mulia Pangkuan Negeri (DMPN) Award (Dato’), honorary title conferred by the State Governer of Penang 2006 Frost and Sullivan 2006 North American Technology Innovation of the Year Award 2005 Nanyang Distinguished Alumni Award 2002 Makoto Nagano Award for Achievements in Cardiovascular Education, International Academy of Cardiovascular Sciences 2002 Society of Chinese Bioscientists in America (SCBA) Distinguished Scientist Award (Ontario Chapter) 1999-2003 External Examiner of Medical Biochemistry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, HK 1998 Research Excellence Award – Canadian Society of Clinical Chemists 1992-2019 Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Clinical Biochemistry (FCACB) 1982-2019 Honorary Professorships of 14 Universities and Medical Collages in China 1968-1970 Canadian Heart Foundation Fellowship 1966 Stuart Allan Hoffman Memorial Prize for Excellence in Research (University of Toronto) 1962-1964 C.H. Best Fellowship